Make a donation.
Brighton Cooperative Preschool Needs Your Help
BCP is a 501(c) non-profit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible. You can request a form from BCP for tax purposes.
Every dollar we collect will be used to help support Livingston County preschoolers.
THANK YOU so much for helping us keep BCP going for the preschoolers in our community!
Thank You To Our Sponsors
We are excited to share our partnership with the Spirit Of Alexandria Foundation! SOA is a premium sponsor for the school this year. This organization works to connect children with nature and supports Livingston county children’s programs. SOA is active with the Howell Nature Center, where you may have seen “Alexandrias Naturescape’ or one of the SOA camps. For more info on SOA go to .
Scholastic Fundraiser: When purchasing books and educational resources from, use the BCP class code PWLV9, and our school will receive points to use on classroom resources.
Kroger Community Rewards: BCP can earn money every time you shop at Kroger! Using your Kroger card number, create an online account at Once you have logged in, select the community tab. Under community, select Kroger Community Rewards. Scroll down to Michigan, and select enroll now. Using the search option, enter our organization number 91837. Click save, and support our school.
Paypal: You can make paypal donations to